Let me meet you, where you are at.

Sally is compassionate and wise beyond her years, with a wealth of experience and resources at her aid. She is able to be present and intuitive with issues that arise to insightfully uncover complex and underlaying factors that lead us to the feelings, thoughts and thus behaviours that motivate us. Working with Sally is an honour and privilege.

— Dr. Spence Ph.D., CCH

Services & Investments



It all begins with this first step: what is the resolution needed and what are the interests of both parties? You set the pace, you set the tone led by your needs and hopes for the future you wish to grow! I utilize tools from all the most up to date teachers and ideologies to create outcomes that will best suit both parties involved, with hopes of avoiding litigation.

There are no minimum or maximum sessions, we work together until you feel you are finished.

60 mins |  $75 


Conscious Un-Coupling

This 5 week intensive is designed to move you through the steps in a fluid fashion, finding healing and a deeper relationship with yourself along the way. Sessions last between 60 and 90 minutes and are available online or in person.

each 60-90 min Session |  $75


Relationship Coaching

These sessions include both parties and is focused on today and where you are headed, unlike a traditional therapy which looks at where you have come from, we look at who is in the room today and what they need and desire to move into tomorrow. Challenges, conflicts, resentments and sorrows- all feelings are welcomed to this space as we sort through the complexity that it is to be in relationship.

60 min |  $65 


Parenting Plans

Parenting plans may be casual, to aid in your daily and yearly decision making and planning. Or a parenting plan may be require under the divorce act. Having a concrete parenting plan is a measure of security that is invaluable. Book now for a free consultation to see if you can build your parenting plan without the interjection of the court system, leaving your children off the “Chess board” so to speak.

 75$ per hour in person $50 per hour for drafting